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Category: cPanel
cPanelDebianEximHostingLinuxMail ServersRedHatVestaCP
Clear Exim Mail Queue
Spamming is one of the things we often face as administrators in the day to day work, if you ...
Install PHP ImageMagick cPanel
Installation on latest version of WHM/cPanel with EasyApache4 (EA4)
1. Install the following packages using YUM
yum install ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel
2. Install ...
Kill Network Connections from a specific IP using TCPKill
TCPKILL command on Linux is useful to kill connections made by malicious IP's to the server, TCPKILL can be ...
Install PHP OCI8 extension to connect to remote Oracle Databases
Installtion on EasyApache 3:
1. Install Oracle Instaclient Basic and Devel packages from here
[root@server ~]# rpm -ivh oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-
Preparing... ...
EasyApache is currently upgrading your Apache and PHP installation
Some times you will not be able to change PHP/SuPHP settings, Add Java Servlet's. We get the following error ...